Decent Surge Protector

It is nice to have outlets you can shut off while leaving others live. I use this at my bedside. My side lamp and land-line phone are plugged into the two live outlets and the rest on my devices into the others. This way I can control the current to my electronic equipment and save some money. My only negative is that I find the remote to be very temperamental and therefore I don’t use it that much.

I am definitely going to splurge! I set this one up by my bed. I have my alarm clock on the always on outlet, my Bose SoundDock, lamp, and laptop charger on the switched outlets. I then stuck the remote on the wall by the door, but later moved it next to my bed so that when I’m in bed I don’t need to reach over to cut the power to my lamp, speaker dock, and laptop at night or to turn the power on in the morning. A word of caution however, the remote comes with a cradle, once you put it in the cradle, good luck getting it back out. If you want the remote to be mobile, don’t use the cradle. Also, the sticky backing on the cradle is INCREDIBLY sticky and will remove surface finishes such as paint and varnish. Stick something less strong to the wall then stick the cradle to that to protect your surfaces.

It is a good brand, and the concept of not crawling in those tight places to switch on and off the power strip to save and/or to use your electronics. My problem was that I got this huge tv stand and no way I was going to move it couple inches of space to turn on and off the power strip and this is great contraption. The remote helps me from squeezing through that tight space to turn on and off the power strip, and it have two sockets on the power strip that does not ever turn off even with the remote. So I can turn off for example my stereo, xbox, and what ever else and still have my tv on.

And after exactly one month, my energy bill arrived and it was a whole $10 less!!! So, now I’ve installed the Conserve Smart AV F7C007q Energy-Saving Power Strip (for the TV console–keeping the Tivo & router on but turning off the 2nd Tivo and Netflix box when the TV gets turned off); and also 2 of the the cute little Belkin Conserve Socket F7C009q Energy-Saving Outlet (one for my office shredder and my electric toothbrush). And now I’ve added the Stanley 31164 Indoor Wireless Remote Control with Single Transmitter, White, 3-Pack for the hot water pot that’s on 6 hours every day, my appliance strip which covers toaster, rice cooker, blender and Breville juice extractor–to my kitchen to stop vampire energy loss.

I’m on a roll and look forward each month to how much I’ll save with these 3 and 1 products together! If I can saving $20-25 per month…well that adds up to a LOT in one year!!! I can think of other, better things to spend my money on like here on Amazon–more Kindle books…and…I have a huge wishlist.

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