Not only will you keep track of the energy you use so that you can keep the electric bill payments down, you can also feel good that you are conserving energy and helping out the environment. It’s a win/win situation. Highly recommended product! It is also a great teaching tool for children about energy consumption. When the switch is off it turns off the power to the mixer which is good. Also, its spaced properly so we can use the below outlet for something else if needed.
It works great. I put in how much our electricity costs and bam I know exactly how much something costs. The averaging feature is what really makes this nice.
There is no way this unit can tell me what my carbon foot print is. Am I using my solar or wind or am I using the power company’s coal or nuke power plant. So, ignore that feature it’s useless.
I like that I get to put in my cost per kwh. I took my power bill and divided by the kwh they said I used and it came out to $0.13kwh (including taxes). I entered .13 and now it is giving me “MY” usage.
I like the long cord between the plug and display unit. Don’t have to bend over to read it. It shows me when I am using power and how much. Plugged my old fridge in for 30 days and it cost me $8.00 a month. Plugged my new BIGGER fridge in and it cost me $3.67 a month. That’s a $51.96 a year savings in power. Therefore, I will turn a profit on the new fridge in 36.5 years.
I’m trying to figure out why my electric bill is so outrageously high.
It’s the dumb things that add up. My cable modem, router, NAS, and notebook is running me $14.50 a month. My remote control and cordless phone is $1.50 a month.
This unit is great if all you want to do is see how much an item is costing you in electricity.
This unit is great for the cord between the plug and the reader.
I took off one star for the look I’m left, I’m Green, I’m care about my carbon foot print stuff that it can’t truly measure.
I would give it 5 for the fact it is inexpensive, works, and does what I need. I use it for my curling iron. Only complaint–the light does not stay on when the power is on. It does turn off at the end of the selected time.
I ordered from amazon but was disappointed because they didn’t come in retail boxes. Just plain boxes and I started to think they were used. They are straight forward to install and setup (did it without looking at instructions). I use them with my cell phone set for 3 hour charge and my razor for a 1/2 charge. They worked as advertised. The big negative is the LED on the top which tells you if it’s on. It’s not clearly lite when on. It can only be seen clearly at night and even then I sometimes have a hard time. Both have the same problem so I it makes me think they are what they are. After using it for a while I’d also like them to have a reset button or a off feature to reset it. Otherwise I have to unplug it. Be nice to have at least two outlets to plug-in my toothbrush too but you can come up with a solution for that too as I did. Overall it works as advertised and the LED just sucks.