Tag Archive: wireless controled switch

Simple and Effective Power Switch, Great for Christmas

Nice little gadget to check how much all of your other gadgets is costing you on electric bill – your computer, laptops, toaster, microwave, desk lamps, desk fans, window acs, tv, clock radios, WiFi router, iPhone chargers… Good quality and is easier to use than energy watts monitor.

The battery needs a 3 hour recharge and this outlet can be set for different lengths of time. This prevents overcharging. This outlet works as promised.

It’s awesome. I use it in the kitchen for my lights and appliances and in my bedroom where the socket is handier to reach than my reading lamp.

I have often worried about my poor habits with regards to battery conditioning. For example, I nearly always have my laptop plugged in when it’s at the house, regardless of whether it’s running or not, and I generally leave my cell phone plugged in all night long–even though both of these things really only need a couple hours to charge, and then “best practices” say to remove the power source.

That’s where the Converse Socket comes in. No, it doesn’t do some fancy detection of the power draw from the plugged-in device(s) like some of the more expensive devices, but rather it has a simple timer switch that will turn off the power after the configured time. The design is easy to understand: on one side is a switch that you set for 1/2 hour, 3 hours or 6 hours; and on top is a button that you press as you are plugging in whatever device needs the charge; while the countdown is running, the little green light remains lit, and when the timer has expired the light goes off along with the power.

The simplicity of the design makes it mindlessly easy to use–it’s not like programming one of those awful plug-timers with the dial of 48 tiny buttons that divide the day into 30-minute segments of “on” or “off”… just plug in and push the button, then forget about it.

My only wish is that the Conserve Socket were a little cheaper, or they would sell it in packs of 3 or something to bring the price down–then I’d buy more for all around the house. Currently, I only have one that I sometimes move between different plugs and devices, but I’d love to get some more so that each device or wall socket could have its own dedicated power-conserving socket.

The power switch creates a gentle green glow when the device is powered on. As illustrated, two of these fit well into a standard wall outlet. The frustration free packaging made it easy to open and protected the product well in shipping. Overall not a bad purchase at a reasonable price point.

Nice Unit to Get Electric Use Info

I find myself trying out a item that I wish was available to me 7 years ago….when I needed to test the output of a whole bunch of electrical items.Back then I had to hire an electrical Engineer to tell me what I was using to dispute a elelctric bill. Now, because of this little unit –you no longer have to go thru the confusion and craziness that I did. All you have to do now is plug it in and read the display…easy as pie to use and understand. Now you can tell when its time for a certain item to go because its drawing too much electricity….or tell when you need to use a certain thing more becasue its so frugal. When you plug this unit in it shows it is using 0 – 0.5 watts . I tested my pencil sharpener…and when I plugged it into the unit there was no change –therefore showing it does not DRAW power until used……….as I began to sharpen my pencil the power use went up steadly to 69.17 watts. You can then press a ” $ ” symbol and it shows you what a years worth of this item will cost you. Co2 imprint as well. Thats the sort of information this unit will give you. Excellent information to figure out your electrical use !

I never really thought about where electricity came from. Do people really think about that? Probably not much, unless you or people you know mine for coal. Nine out of every ten tons of coal goes towards producing electricity. Coal is a finite resource, and once it’s gone, it’s gone. Now that’s food for thought. Now I turn off as many electrical items as I can when I’m not using it or when I shut the house down for the night.

Many appliances that we leave plugged in when not in use are still drawing electrical current, and it does cost money. With this clever product you can do your own science project by finding out how much each item in your house costs you to operate.

I used this monitor on several items but one appliance that sort of scared me was the hair dryer. My hair dryer did not show that any electricity was being used by it being just plugged in but not in use, but when I turned it on, it said it would cost over $60 a year in electricity. Not that anybody ever runs the hair dryer for a year solid, but it is something to be aware of.

This product is easy to use because it has a nice long cord between the information screen and the outlet end. Very handy when what you are monitoring is down at the floor and you don’t want to be crouched down there with it. You can set the rate that your utility company charges you per kWh to get an accurate reading. The instructions that come with the monitor are very concise and easy to read. This is a huge plus, for anybody who has read terrible instructions or ones that are multi-lingual, that are nearly impossible to follow.

The monitor also reads the CO2 that your appliance is emitting by using electricity. The monitor is a very easy to handle shape and doesn’t interfere with other plugs in that might be occupying the outlet, usually.

I gave this to my 9 year old daughter to find out more about conserving electricity. She had a ball, just as I did, plugging appliances in and finding out how much CO2 an appliance puts out, and how much it costs Mommy and Daddy to operate it. I was my daughter’s age in the 70s when we had the energy crisis here in the United States, which was a total drag. We were afraid to use any electricity. But now we have this, and can decide if it’s worth using the appliance, if it’s worth keeping it plugged in or unplugging when not in use. Happy monitoring!

Works as Described, What’s Not to Like

I bought two sets because I knew I would need more than two remotes. I didn’t think I’d need 10 outlets. The hot water recirculation pump has a built-in timer, but the timer means it’s often running when we don’t need hot water and not running when we do need it. A remote motion-detector switch wouldn’t have been ideal because often we are in the bathrooms but don’t need hot water. Problem solved with the remote switches.

I’m now using the extra switches to control pretty much everything else in the house that doesn’t need to be on all the time (primarily AV equipment). So far I’ve found uses for 9 of the 10 outlets. With one remote next to the garage door opener it’s easy to make sure everything is switched off when we leave and then to turn on things we want on when we come home. With additional remotes next to our bed and in the bathrooms it’s pretty convenient. I’m not sure we’ll ever save enough electricity and gas (water heater) to justify the expense (plus replacement batteries for the remotes), but I feel better knowing that all those energy wasters are shut off when we don’t need them on.

So far I’m impressed. The range seems excellent and the on/off function seems rock solid. I was a little skeptical that they would work that well, but they’ve exceeded my expectations. Probably the best functioning remote devices I’ve ever had. I’ve only had them a week, but they seem very well built.

I’m giving them 4 stars only because they don’t sell the remotes by themselves. Otherwise I’d give them 5 stars. On the company’s own web site they list the remotes by themselves for a ridiculously high price that makes no sense. Based on the pricing of the packs the individual remotes should sell for less than $10 each. At that price I would probably buy a couple more remotes just to have them in more convenient places in the house.

Program the outlet and the remote control is very easy the only thing that is two remote working as one. You can’t not assign two outlet in two different room with same number in two different remote because when you press any remote the two outlet will turn off/on the same time. Right now just have to wait and see how long it last

The range for the remotes is outstanding and flawless to this point. I would definitely recommend this product to any household for making the process of turning lights on and off a simple and effortless push of a button.

Performs Exactly As Promised

I use mine every day. Only two cons that I’ve come across:

1. the plugs are MASSIVE. and 2. the battery is not a standard size so when it comes time to replace it, that might be a challenge. Also getting the battery into the remote was quite a challenge but not a huge deal. I couldn’t do it properly so the cover doesn’t fit back on.

Again. for the money this is good solution. If I had paid any more than $15 then I probably wouldn’t give it four stars.

i did not want have to run down the stairs every time i wanted to switch the cameras on or off (i need to reboot them like once a week, sigh i know……) and the other ones i have till now (i think from x10) used to stop working on occasions, the reason they didn’t work is not because of the “distance” because the basement is just a few feet under where im standing in the kitchen its just that all the concrete and insulation seemed to make the signal fain every so often so i went for this unit. this unit work flawlessly! so this review is not targeted at the distance of the product but rather about the fact that it seems to send its signal through walls and floors pretty well. for me that was a plus.

it saves me so many steps, I can’t believe it. I bought it pretty much on a lark. But am I glad. I can control so many things from one spot. Lights in other rooms on at dusk, off at bedtime. Various Entertainment components easily controlled without moving to each of them. Considering more of these for my office.

They simply work. I’m sure that maybe a few out there don’t, because some bad reviewers have noted some lemons. But, also look at the high reviews… they all worked for me, and I bought about $200 worth for different houses/ rooms. I added fluorescent under-cabinet lights all over my house… 4 underneath my bed, 3 behind each television, etc. These remote outlet switches allow me to have accent lighting galore.

These worked instantly and very well. They are pretty big, so don’t plan on using the other plug unless you run an extension (probably ill advised). The remote is curved, so I can’t hang it on the wall like I did the last one. Now I have to walk one whole step into the room. I think I’ll live.

First off, the socket switches are much larger than I expected and limit your ability to use the other socket in the outlet (if you have 2 like most outlets). For example, I could plug in another lamp below the switch, but my Ipad charger will not fit due to switch bulkiness. Second, the 3 button control is not flat on the back, its concave. To most this is not a big deal but I wanted to attach it to the wall with Velcro. I was still able to do so but it doesn’t stick nearly as well as a flat back remote would have with less Velcro space to hold it.

A Bit Bulky, But Otherwise Fantastic

The only downside seems to be how bulky they are. If you aren’t able to plug it into the top outlet (if your outlet was installed upside down or you lack room above the outlet due to furniture or whatever) it will cover the entire outlet because of just how big they are. Other than that, they’ve been great and have done exactly what I wanted them to.

So, the outlet we use for lights is behind our couch. So, each night they must be unplugged and it has become a hassle, as we age. These sockets will allow us to turn those pretty lights off/on with no problems at all. I’m quite sure we’ll find two more outlets that will aid us in turning things off/on. They got here in good time and they do what they say they do. I would use this company again. This is a GREAT price for these three. Get them, you will NOT be disappointed.

It was a small inconvenience but it just bothered me every time I had to fish around for the knob. This gadget made my life a lot easier. The buttons don’t feel sturdy but I haven’t had one problem. I just wish they weren’t so bulky.

I don’t have a pool table light but i do have a plug on the roof, so, I pluged in a spotlight and aimed it at the table for now…cheap a i know but instead of climbing up there over and over I use this remote and wa-la. Also use it to turn on a lamp in the bedroom….and the 3rd I’m using it for a water fountain in the backyard. Remote works awesome even through walls.

Can’t beat the price for a great little automation gizmo. Wife loves it – we can light up the counter in the kitchen and 2 Curio cabinets with them. Everyone who’s seen it says they want to get one (and have).

I suffer from SAD Seasonal Affective Disorder during the winter months, so I add lots of light to my living space. If you are a renter, you are unable to (or it would be disadvantageous to) install lighting, so your only other option is to purchase plug ins which is while these bad boys are so darn handy! Simple set up. Lights controlled by a remotes within minutes!

I park my diesel some 100 feet from the house and I can remotely open my garage door, and because of the in use indicator light, turn my engine block heater on/off without having to endure the inclement weather. Used the others around the house…….too cool.

The devices make a clicking noise but only when the button is pressed so that is perfectly fine. The units themselves are rather large, but that is to be expected given the Amperage rating. I would/will be buying another set because these are so convenient for turning lamps on and off.

Best And Most Used Product In My House

I use this remote to control the lights in our bedroom, so far I have used two out of three and both remotes works well. I also want to credit the manufacturer for including a battery in the remote controller and saying so in it’s description of the product. I had a remote, different brand, the same packaging, three socket oulets and one remote. Two out of the three remote socket oulets failed in just over a year. So I am keeping my fingers crossed how long this brand would last.

I didn’t have any issues with the battery compartment on the remote, as some of the other reviewers did, and I’m not trying to control anything through the wall so range hasn’t been an issue. My biggest complaint is that the outlet boxes are obscenely large, and the plug is oriented such that if you’re plugging this directly into a wall socket, it will block both outlets. Also note that they require 3-prong outlets, so if you’re thinking about using a multitap extension cord, it will have to be 3-pronged as well. This may work best plugged into something like a PowerSquid.

The only draw back for this particular style is that the units are very large. They have been used daily for many months now and have worked beautifully. Some reviews mentioned the difficulty in putting in the batteries and I would have to agree.

The newer models allow you to program each socket to respond to any of the buttons on the two remotes provided. The instructions that came with the device are very poorly written. Poor English in some cases and incomplete instructions. There is no explanation of how to ‘un-program’ a button, and I was finding it impossible to get the two remotes to replicate one another. In some applications you want to program the remotes to control different devices, but in what I believe is the more common application you want the remotes to functional identically. If I program button number 1 on remote A, I want button number 1 on remote B to control the same socket. I would setup one remote, and then when I went to duplicate the process for the second remote some of the buttons stopped working on the first remote and vice-versa.

I reached out to customer support via email and got a quick response. The customer service rep (Tyler) was very helpful and informed me that each socket can only remember up to 3 buttons. So as soon as I tried programming a 4th button to a socket that had already been associated with 3 other buttons, it removed the association for one of the 3 previous buttons. Each button sends out a specific frequency. 5 different frequencies for buttons 1-5 on remote A, and another 5 frequencies for each of the buttons on remote B.

I explained that this is the setup I wanted, and that I wanted all buttons on both remotes A and B to behave identically. They are all hooked up to various lamps in my kids’ bedroom.